Tuesday, May 08, 2007

dont drive away from me

this is a picture of a car with an obituary on the window. its an in loving memory for someone. is this a new thing? i hesitate to be too critical of anyone who is trying to remember someone that has passed away about does but that sticker come off or has the resell value just gone down on that vehicle. anyway i am not sure what to make of it but i do know what i have to make of bumper stickers.

here is the deal with bumper stickers. i dont like them. not one bit. and this is why. i think they are a rather inconsiderate form of communication. whenever i see a bumper sticker i feel like someone is yelling their opinion at me and i have no way to respond. and its not like i even WANT to respond. but i would like to be given the OPPORTUNITY. like abortion is wrong and i always want to say what about in rape circumstances or dont eat meat and i want to say what about hotdogs or my kid is an honor student really where is his/her report card? i feel the same way (hate) about license plates. i always hate custom license plates because sometimes i cant figure out what they are short for. and i spend too much time thinking about them. that is why my new favorite license plate is the one i saw today. it said hi tommy. see i know what that means. i know that its not directed to me but to tommy. it elicits no response. its perfect in every way.

and that brings me to that car pictured above. moments after i took this picture someone got inside and drove away. there is more shit in that car then in your average landfill.


becky said...

that car looks like one of those pictures on the internet that have totally been photoshopped. but it's for real. YOU TOOK IT WITH YOUR OWN CAMERA! also, i love this post. also, why haven't you sent me pictures from that night? how am i supposed to blog without them?

Cicada said...

Seriously, I was really surprised to find out that the car with the shit was for real. That's incredible.

Is it bad for me to want a license plate or bumper sticker that says: RURLDS2

natali said...

i dont think that is wrong. in fact it sort of feels right....

becky said...

i really want one that says "RUACAFUMGWISAVA29?" but the plates just won't hold it. not just the length, they just can't hold the message!

n said...

i saw another plate i liked. all it said was friends.