Sunday, February 17, 2008

my class action is going great. thanks.

if someone asked me (no one has) what the best romantic-religious comedy is i would probably say untamed heart. it is also one of the best movies for jeans (that i have ever seen). it really changed how i viewed denim. marissa tomei loved super tight jeans. well her did character anyway. i doubt jeans had as much stretch back then (1993) so its pretty damn impressive. in the untamed heart christian slater was raised by nuns at an orphanage. he had a lot of faith. but probably not as much faith as the lady in this case i read recently had:

In Hancock, a church promised the plaintiff that if she gave money to the church, the church would provider her with property and support, as well as certain religious benefits, including a face-to-face meeting with Jesus Christ. It further noted that the allegations of a face-to-face meeting with Jesus Christ conflicted with First Amendment principles because that allegation was entirely religious matter beyond the courts' ability to adjudicate. Hancock v. True & Living Church of the Last Days 2005 UT App 314, ¶17 n.2.

if someone asked me (no one has) what my favorite mexican restaurant was i would say red iguana. i like to go there on sundays. today arlo and i were discussing how they never play mexican music there. arlo said its because they rely on their food to sell their authenticity. red iguana is where we came up with our idea to genetically alter kosher pigs with no hooves. i wonder what other unclean animals we could clean up with science. i just read that giraffes are technically kosher. but that seems like it might be illegal. however, we would like to provide the jewish faithful with bacon. i am pretty sure it was inspired. and unadjudicatable.


Chelsea said...

didn't you and i go to red iguana on a sunday? it was dreamy. remember that guy who was with that girl but was flirting up a storm with us? that was wierd. it distracted me from noticing there wasn't any mexican music. maybe that's the point

B. said...

I don't know if I can handle eating mexican food without accordian music playing. It's just not right.

natali said...

yes it was a sunday. and that guy was very flirty. i hope that wasnt his girlfriend. for some reason i thought it was someone he met on a flight.

Chelsea said...

yeah. he was from here but she was from texas or something and he just got back in town from texas and she for some reason just got in town from texas too but she's not from here and i don't think they hung out in texas.

maybe that's how they do it in texas and down into mexico and it's those people that make the restaurant authentic. maybe they were hired help.

Angie said...

Let's look for good giraffe recipes for the next girl's night. Hee.

allibaster said...

you forgot to mention that christian slater has a baboon heart in that movie.

natali said...

well medically speaking its a very interesting movie for sure. i think the heart was from the baboon king even.