Monday, May 12, 2008

the pros and cons of division

mothers day conversations:

i told becky if i was a ghost i might watch people having sex. she called me a dirt bag.

during a walk with my mom in which she told me i was both too picky and didnt have high enough standards (i couldnt get to the bottom of that).

i told my mom was i very impressed with my cousins crafting and sewing abilities and she said she was surprised she was so good. and i asked why and she said because my cousin couldnt crawl until she was one (i couldnt get to the bottom of that either).

my nephews awesome outfit AND his first directed question at me. he said "nally dhigh sieh dhgishhh puppy?" (i think the question had to do with a puppy. i told him i was allergic.).

my mothers attempt to clarify our previous conversation where she told me boys arent perfect and something else about standards (i dont remember it because i was reading an article on the trial of korihor. it was pretty boring.).

i told my mom i wouldnt decorate her grave because i knew she wouldnt be there (or appreciate it). she said thats true but i will be watching you. i told her she had better close her eyes.

my dad asked if i had a seventy two hour kit and i said no and that if there was a natural disaster i planned on dying and he said he figured as much.

i told becky about my mom perving on me when she was dead and becky reminded me about how i said four hours prior to this conversation i said i would watch people having sex if i was a ghost. touche.


brian said...

i'd probably watch people have sex too. but not all the time. like twice a week. and i wouldn't watch family members having sex.

natali said...

yeah i am not a ghost pervert. i think the twice a week rule seems reasonable.

becky said...

watching people having sex doesn't interest me. unless it's shower sex. i'd watch that

n said...

i thought i had a ghost who watched me in the shower. but i never had sex there.

Janey said...

I am dying at your dad's comment on he figured as much. Nat nat i'll share my 72 hour kit with you if i'm in the same city, don't worry.

Anonymous said...

it wasn't a ghost watching you in the shower, it was me.....and my camcorder. It's on the net.

natali said...

well i dont mind sharing my shaving and shampoo techniques but i do think the polite thing to do is ask if you can video someone who is naked.

also the answer to that question is always no. as far as i can tell.

Anonymous said...

'tis easier to ask forgiveness than permission.

natali said...

unfortunately for you i get off on withholding and i never forgive anyone ever as a general rule.

Anonymous said...

are you really Lucille Bluth?

natali said...

she is my hero.

Anonymous said...

i can tell....

"No, I'm withholding. Look at me. getting off."

natali said...

wow do you have cameras everywhere? really our level of trust is plummeting.

janey thanks for the 72 hour offer but seriously death is a preference. i am not a fighter. and ignore these getting off jokes. xoxo nat

Ange said...

Hey nat! Summer hasn't left yet! I think she leaves in June. so we need to act fast! I will call her and see when we can do lunch! And I will then call you! :) Love you!