Sunday, January 13, 2008

i mean its such an honor

i finished another quilt. this one is for my friend colls. for her birthday. last october.

its a pin wheel design.

they bonded right away.

although i like this quilt a lot it is not my greatest achievement of late. i dont know if you knew (i didnt until sugarcube informed me) that my profile on the linkup is (approximately) 71 on the most viewed profiles ever list. i mean we are talking linkup history (maybe i have no idea how this works). currently my views are at 7164. while watching magnolia with clay i went up 6 views and managed to pass leesy. i am convinced its because i talk about jimmy carter.


Frozen Okie said...

It must be because of Carter.

How can you tell how many times your profile has been viewed?

natali said...

its easy. go to your profile and there is a little box to the right that says something like views. it says how many you have ever gotten, last 30 days and last 7 days. you can only see yours.

Cicada said...

Her quilt is on your bed. I like your way of giving. I've decided to give you my new cradle. You may come and visit it whenever you like.

natali said...

cicada i dont want your cradle so i wont be visiting it.

Cicada said...

You cut me deep.

natali said...

well give me something useful. like your fabric or your brother.

becky said...

i think the view counts started in july or something. so i hear...

here's how you can increase your views:

1. the more you are online, the more you will be viewed.
2. the more you change your picture, the more likely you will be viewed.
3. post things on the public boards like "are my pictures hot (creepy/slutty/etc. any word really)? this will cause people to check your profile to answer your question.

good luck. i'm rooting for you!

natali said...

i change my pictures constantly and i show a lot of collar bone. i think we have gotten to the bottom of this linkup mystery.

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